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作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2010-04-13 09:51:00

Our School Launches Research in Safety Education

Translated by Li Zongming


There are more than 20 kinds of potential safety hazards concerning the life and academic studies for youngsters, includ-
ing traffic accidents, food poisoning, fires, drowning, and sports injuries etc, which have been threatening their healthy
growth.  Some experts have pointed out that 80% of the accidental injuries can be avoided through safety education to
enhance the self-protection abilities for primary and secondary students.  One important reason for tragedies is that our
rs lack security precautions and their self-protection abilities are poor.  Therefore, there is a very urgent need to
launch safety education amongst the youngsters.  Today, our school launched a special research in safety education, the
purpose of which was to cultivate the students’ safety awareness and to enhance their comprehensive qualities, to streng-
then the safety education and to foster their safety awareness, to train their abilities to save themselves and to solve prob-
lems in case of emergency.

Ms Zhou Buqi giving "During Games..."

Ms Zhang Xiaoli presenting "How to Avoid Scalds"

All the class teachers attending the event to participate in the discussions

Principal Ms Mi emphasizing: Safety education should
be taken into the category of the routine education.

