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作者:许多信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2009-12-17 18:42:00

Alarm Rings for Safety Education!

Translated by Li Zongming


Recently, the countrywide sensational
stampede happened in the private Yucai Middle School in Xiangtan City, Hunan Pro-
vince has aroused the great attention of our school.  On the next morning of this incident, making use of the break for set-
ting-up exercises, the ME Dept. of Zhonghai Campus immediately organized an assembly for the whole campus and con-
veyed to all the teachers and students the relevant circumstances of this incident and the new requirements of the school
for safety.


To strengthen the safety awareness of the teachers and students, the ME Dept. gave one more themed speech “Alarm
Rings for Safety Education” to the whole campus at the morning gathering for the second week.


In order to enable the students to learn a profound lesson from this tragedy, the campus made a detailed introduction to the
cause, process and result of the whole incident and at the same time publicized the safety requirements for the supervision and
control of corridors and staircases for primary and secondary schools recently made by the Provincial Department of Education.
In the light of the practical situations, the school has also worked out 8 concrete measures to ensure the safety of the whole

1 各中队对身边器材、环境、学生的行为进行一次自查自纠的安全排查工作,教育学生从湖南踩踏时间吸取深刻的教训,真正从思想上触动学生;

1.Each Young Pioneer Squadron should make sure to launch a safety investigation for self-examination & corrections on the e-
quipments & surroundings around and the students’ behaviors to let the students learn a profound lesson from the Hunan Tram-
ped and genuinely touch the students ideologically.

2 继续深入展开“轻声慢步”文雅说话,文明行走的良好习惯养成教育。坚决杜

2.Continue launching the education of excellent habit-formation of “speaking gently and walking in a civilized way”.  Resolutely
eradicate the happening of the dangerous behavior of running indoors.  The red pennant for discipline will be cancelled if there
are 10 rule violations in total.

3 值周教师严格履行课间巡查的职责,严格监管学生做危险动作、游戏,及时教育纠正学生的违规行为,确保学生课间安全;

3.The teachers on duty for the week should strictly take the responsibility of inspection during breaks, strictly prevent the stu-
dents from doing dangerous behaviors and games and correct the students’ violation of rules in time to ensure the students’
safety during breaks.

4 楼道职守教师,每天课间操准时到岗,严格监督各班路队安静有序到操场,如有情况发生,应立即疏导学生、确保上下楼安全;

4.The corridor watch teachers should get to work on time for the setting-up exercises and strictly supervise the students of each
class to get to the playground quietly and in good order.  If an incident happens, they should immediately divert the students to
ensure their safety when they're on the stairs.

5 每天活动课,学生务必按年级分配的乒乓球桌有序、文明活动,后场学生一律距球桌一米远站在划定的线之外,如有桌霸现象出现一律取消打球资格。后操场除篮球场,乒乓球台可以使用,其他器材一律暂停使用;

5.During the activity class every day, the students must play ping-pong in a civilized way using the tables assigned for the cor-
respondent grades.  The students waiting for their turns must keep one metre away from the tables outside the delimited bound-
aries without exception.  Anyone who dispossesses the tables will be disqualified to play without exception.  The equipments ex-
cept ping-pong and the basketball court on the back playground are temporarily suspended without exception.

6 值周行政,校园值周老师,值周学生每天课间操,体活课一律到后操场督护学生,周五下午第四节体活课,区域老师必须准时到岗,确保学生安全活动;

6.The executives, the campus watch teachers and students on duty for the week should get to the back playground to guard the
students during the break for setting-up exercises and for the PE activity class every day.   And for the fourth PE activity class
every Friday afternoon, the region watch teachers must get to work on time to ensure the safety of the students.

7 晚自习后,授课教师务必看守学生整理好教室后才能离校,否则一旦发生安全事故由当晚授课老师承担安全责任;

7.After the self-study evening class, any teacher who gives the class must make sure that the students have tidied their class-
rooms before he/she can leave.  Otherwise, if there is an accident, the relevant teacher who gives the evening class that night
should assume related responsibilities.

8 进一步强化学生的安全应急意识,如教室、寝室、过道,突遇停电、全体学生务必做到“一静”、“二定”的自救习惯,坚决杜绝学校惨案的发生。

8.Further strengthen the students’ security awareness for emergency.  For instance, if there bursts a power failure in the class-
rooms, bedrooms and corridors, all the students must make sure to form the self-rescuing habit of “keeping quiet first and stay-
ing put second” to firmly eradicate the happening of campus tragedies.
