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“玉经多磨方成器,剑拔沉埋便倚天”—— 我校英语组青年教师赛课活动
作者:本站信息来源:本站点击次数:发布时间:2017-12-20 11:22:00



Our English group "green seedling project" -- the young English teacher competition has come to a successful conclusion. The teaching and research activity of the English group lasted two months. The teachers of four senior cadres of the English group presented period one and period two class teaching demonstration course respectively. The outstanding teachers lead the new teachers. Under the guidance of the outstanding teachers, each preparation group is from choosing class to preparing lesson to polish class. They are working on it, working together to polish it. These "green seedling teachers" showed their own style. The teachers have been growing up in the process of grinding the lessons again and again, so that their teaching ability is continuously sublimated.Teaching benefits teachers as well as students. Hope every young teacher can grow into a big tree with the children.


Demonstration class of outstanding teachers:


    周晓雪老师执教《This Dog Can Help Him.》第一课时:周老师秉承了她一贯精致的课堂风格,上课行云流水,语言精练自然。40分钟的时间让人如沐春风。

Ms Zhou Xiaoxue presented an excellent course This Dog Can Help Him. Period one: Ms Zhou has been adhering to her elegant style of class. The class is like running clouds and flowing water, and the language is refined and natural. The 40-minute time feels like a breeze.

    陈李巍老师执教《This Dog Can Help Him.》第二课时:陈老师的风格简洁,精炼,实用,他善于使用各种情境让学生全部沉迷,在一个个层次分明的活动中学生口、手、脑都练了个遍。

Mr Chen Liwei presented an excellent course This Dog Can Help Him. Period two: Mr Chen's style is concise and practical, and is good at using all kinds of situations to make students all addictions, in a series of distinct activities students have practiced their mouths, hands, and their brains.

    陈平老师执教《Do You Use Chopsticks In The UK?》第一课时:陈平老师课堂生动活泼,形象有趣,再加上她自己幽默风趣的课堂风格,学生和听课的老师们都乐在其中。

Ms Chen Ping presented an excellent course Do You Use Chopsticks In The UK? Period one: Ms Chen Ping's class is lively and lively, the image is interesting, add her own humorous and humorous class style, the students and the teachers who attend the lecture are happy in it.


    李燕老师执教《Do You Use Chopsticks In The UK?》第二课时:李燕老师的课堂可谓是活色生香,她将伦敦的美食和中国的美食相对比,碰撞出无数的火花和咽唾沫的声音!

Ms Li Yan presented Do You Use Chopsticks In The UK? Period two: Ms Li Yan's classroom is lively, she is comparing the food of London with Chinese food, they collide countless sparks and the sound of the saliva in the classroom.


"Growth of green seedling " classroom:

三年级备课组陈兰老师执教《I’m Going To Do The Long Jump.》:课堂自然流畅,拥有自己独特的风格。

Miss Chen Lan of the third grade preparation group teacher I'm Going To Do The Long Jump.Her class is natural and fluid, and she has her own unique style.

二年级备课组鲜若红老师执教《What Do You Do On Sundays?》:扎实有效,有练习,有思考。

Miss Xian Ruohong of the second grade preparation group coached What Do You Do On Sundays? It is solid, effective, practiced and thoughtful.

    六年级备课组刘应冕老师执教《Thanksgiving Is Very Important In The US》:课堂设计有自己独特的思考,愿意引导学生使用各种方式去学习。

Miss Liu Yingmian of the sixth grade preparation group presented Thanksgiving Is Very Important In The USMiss Liu has her own unique thinking and guided students to study in various ways.

五年级备课组刘思佳老师执教《You Should Tidy Up》:节奏明快,知识容量很大,老师对课堂的操控也明显提高。

Miss Liu Sijia from the fifth grade preparation group presented You Should Tidy Up : The rhythm is lively, the knowledge capacity is very big, the teacher's control of the classroom also obviously increased.

二年级备课组黄丽老师执教《How Do You Go To School》:教态亲切,课堂活跃。

The teacher of the second grade preparation group, Miss Huang Li, presented How Do You Go To School : The teaching state is cordial, the classroom is active.

四年级备课组范东妮老师执教《Do You See It?》:线条清晰,活动饱满。

Ms Fan Dongni of the fourth grade preparation group presented Do You See It?: The line is clear and it is full of activities.


At this time, Ms Li Qi and Ms Dong Qianmin teaching researcher of Jinniu District were invited to guide the teachers to share their teaching experiences and help the young teachers of our school grow up.


After each class, the teachers actively discussed the questions and confusion in the course of listening, shared the lectures and offered valuable advice to each other.


Vice principal Mr Zeng has been involved in the whole process and has given us careful guidance.
