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共聚,共研,共成长 齐心,齐力,齐发展 ——专家引领 团队前行
作者:本站信息来源:本站点击次数:发布时间:2017-11-15 19:33:00


On 14th November,the Symposium activity on Excellent Class of Primary Mathematics in Virscend Education Group was held in the theater on the fifth floor. For this activity,experts such as Zhang Birong,the vice leader of the Nine year Compulsory Education Institute of Chengdu Teaching Academy,Su Han,dean of the elementary and secondary school department in Jinniu district Training center,and the teacher Yuan Yuling,Mi Xiaorong,the minister of the Primary School Quality Department,Chen Jilun,the principal of the Primary School Attached to Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School are invited to be the supervisors of this activity.Teachers from the Primary School Attached to Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School,the Primary School Attached to Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School(Wulongshan campus),the Primary School Attached to Chengdu Foreign Languages School(Meinian campus),Virscend Training School and all the Mathematic teachers of our school were gathered.In the activity,all the teachers studied and improved together with the mutual heart and strengths for development.





Two young teachers started the activity with wonderful classes.  

The course on Times and Factors of teacher Zhang Qian. Miss Zhang had set an interesting plot named Code of the Treasure Box to bring in the new class. The children sorted out knowledge of the unit, extracted key knowledge points and formed a thinking map, studied and argued in the activity. The true understanding of the concept was fulfilled, and the knowledge net was established with the help of the teacher. Finally, the children successfully opens the Treasure box with the knowledge they had learnt and then watched the wonderful video of Gothic Bach Conjecture.


The course How Long is the Table was given by Wang Yu. Miss Wang designed abundant experiential activities including, have a guess, have a look, do a little measuring, have a thought, and try to find to help the children to know the actual length of one centimeter. The children had learned how to use the rulers to measure length in the activity and also they learned the knowledge of knowing the actual length on a broken ruler. And they had discovered a lot of things with one centimeter such as the thickness of a book, the width of the nail, the thickness of an eraser etc. Interesting activities, proper supervision and ingenious questions instructions had made the students in high spirit for long and did not want to dismiss the class.


Dean Su Han and teacher Yuan Yuling had given out their detailed comments on these two classes. Dean Su pointed out that Mathematics also need the skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing, there are words, expressions, sentences and paragraphs in Mathematics. Dean Su also introduced the achievements of Achieving Class of Jinniu District and recommended teachers to apply the teaching mode of Three Links and Multiple Modules.


Teacher Yuan Yuling confirmed the achievement of Question Motivating Study in Mathematic Teaching of Primary School in our school. She acknowledged the new and effective class preparation mode trial under the leading of subject research. Miss Yuan indicated that teaching must follow the law of the students cogitation, emphasize the production and accumulation of knowledge.



Superintendent Zhang gave a special lecture to the teachers. She started with the different thinking ways of a classical question Fraction Division and pointed out that the mathematic teaching should cultivate the ability of thinking such as convergent thinking, divergent thinking and critical thinking to help students turn on their thinking switch and make the potential knowledge visible and explicit knowledge written down. Superintendent Zhang also confirmed the achievements of class teaching named Effective,High effective and Excellently Effective of the mathematics team in Chengwai Attached Primary.She pointed out the way would be different when the aims were different and acknowledged our Team Forward teaching and study mode we organized together with brotherhood schools.





Finally, Principal Ms Mei concluded the activity. She praised the pragmatic and practical style of the mathematic team and the high effective attention to question study. She wished that the teachers can apply the study experience to daily teaching work and fulfill the improvement of both teaching and studying in the behavior improvement and action follow-up. Principal Ms Mei had also recommended the educational special movie Fire Stealer to encourage teachers to think more, pay attention the hot points of the age and the society, and keep improving the quality of teaching and education.

A tree can be shaken by another.

A cloud moves another.

A soul wakes another. 

Let’s work together to seek the beauty and future of education on the road of mathematic teaching.
