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携手并进 无缝对接—— 成外附小英语组开展中小衔接专题研讨活动
作者:本站信息来源:本站点击次数:发布时间:2017-11-10 08:42:00

    11月9日上午,成外中学谢剑英校长助理一行受邀来到我校,与英语组全体教师共同开展了教学研讨活动。我校孙可老师执教了《新标准英语》四年级上册Module7 Unit1《 Did you take Amy’s doll ? 》一课。孙老师的课堂设计紧扣学生的心理特点,层层设问,不断激发学生们的学习兴趣,培养他们用英语思考的能力;通过Mind map把课文内容的发展简明清晰地呈现在黑板上,帮助学生理解课文;组织小组讨论和课文情境表演,丰富了学生活动,让他们感受团结协作的智慧,课堂上参与度很高。

On the morning of November 9th, Principal Assistant Xie Jianying with her team from Chengdu Foreign Languages School were invited to our school to carry out a teaching research with all teachers of English group. Mrs Sunke gave a lesson of “Did you take Amy’s doll ?” in fourth grade from "new standard English". Mrs Sun's class designed closely for students' psychological with asking questiongs constantly to encourage their interests and cultivate their abilities in English. She helped students to understand the text contents presented clearly on the blackboard by the mind map. And she organized the group discussion and the text situation performance to enrich the student activities which could help to experience the wisdom of solidify cooperation. Students took part in the class actively.


After watching the normal class, the English teachers from two schools had an insightful discussion . Mrs Sun explained the teaching design and conception of this lesson. And then, Mrs Zuo yi, the group leader of English department and Mrs Shu Xiaoqu, the English lesson preparation group leader of junior two gave comments on the lesson on the spot. They fully affirmed the elaborately teaching design,active atmosphere and good conditions of learning.They also put forward many constructive suggestions for how to improve class efficiently.






Principal Assistant Xie Jianying took a in-depth discussion in how to achieve the better relationship between the junior and primary,and gave many valuable suggestionsinteaching English for our school,which conform the sense of direction in primary English.


Vice President Zeng Caiyan participated in the whole process, he hoped to strengthen ties with junior school ,do a feasible job of “laying a foundation” , establish a seamless connection between the junior and primary school and send more outstanding students to our middle school.

