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作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2009-10-26 23:11:05

Our Teachers Obtain Good Results in Teaching Contests in Jinniu District

Translated by Li Zongming

喜  讯  Good News


Congratulations to the following teachers on obtaining good results in the “Selective Competitions at District Level for Teaching Contests for Citywide Teachers in Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools”:


语文:                                Chinese:
  芳(二等奖)                   Ms Zhou Fang, Second Prize
  琳(三等奖)                   Ms Yang Lin, Third Prize
廖红霞(三等奖)                   Ms Liao Hongxia, Third Prize
 平(三等奖)                   Miss Luo Ping, Third Prize
史春榕(三等奖)                   Ms Shi Chunrong, Third Prize
黄洁玲(三等奖)                   Ms Huang Jieling, Third Prize
周步崎(三等奖)                   Ms Zhou Buqi, Third Prize


数学:                                Maths:
文小芬(一等奖)                   Ms Wen Xiaofen, First Prize
杨丽明(二等奖)                   Miss Yang Liming, Second Prize
曾绍贵(三等奖)                   Mr. Zeng Shaogui, Third Prize
尹莎莎(三等奖)                   Ms Ying Shasha, Third Prize


英语:                                English:
  矛(二等奖)                   Miss Mao Mao, Second Prize
璐(二等奖)                   Miss Xu Lu, Second Prize
杨亮英(三等奖)                   Miss Yang Liangying, Third Prize
  越(三等奖)                   Miss Li Yue, Third Prize


音乐:                                Music:
  伟(一等奖)                   Mr. Dan Wei, First Prize


体育:                                PE:

 桃(一等奖)                   Mr. Liu Tao, First Prize


美术:                                Art:
 勇(三等奖)                   Mr. Mao Yong, Third Prize
