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作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2009-09-21 22:29:05


English Teachers Making All-out Efforts to Get Fully Prepared for

National Teaching CD-ROM Lesson Competition


Through self-registration and school-recommendation, the English Teaching-Research Group of the school has chosen four
teachers-Ms Li Guihua, Miss Xu Lu, Yang Lu and Li Yue to participate in the National English Teaching CD-ROM Lesson
Competition.  At present, the four teachers are actively getting prepared with the support of the team.  Yesterday, the school
specially invited Ms Li Qi, English Teaching-Research Instructor of Jinniu District to give them guidance


More Info: Through selection at different levels, two young teachers, Miss Mao Mao and Miss Xu Lu of our school got first
prize at Jinniu District Teachers' Teaching Skill Contest and entered the final stage.  Amongst nearly 100 English teachers in the
whole district, nine were chosen and our school was the only one which boasted two teachers who got an award at the same

Minie 上的二年级的关于时间的课

Minnie, or Ms Li Guihua, giving a lesson about time for the 2nd Graders


During the break, Ms Li Qi gave evaluation to

the two classes she'd observed


Ms Li Qi giving evaluation


Ms Li Qi has proposed very effctive suggestions

beginning with the leading-in of the classes.
