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专家引领,科研兴校 ——金牛名师培养专家团队到我校交流指导
作者:本站信息来源:本站点击次数:发布时间:2018-04-10 09:21:00


   项目办专家组长秦主任向学校领导汇报了专家到校指导的目的、意义、工作内容及流程,然后开展指导工作。专家团队指导我校微型课题4个、指导11名研修学员进行专业发展课程选择。最后,专家组成员对全体研修学员前期的学习进行了检查。    我校研修教师自主学习意愿强烈,通过“金牛名师项目”这个平台努力提升自己。“专家引领、科研兴校”,梅花校长非常重视西部教育研院专家团队到校的指导工作,并表示学校一定大力支持名优教师的培养工作。

On the afternoon of April 9th, Director Qinqin of the Western Education Academy  led a team of four Jinniu top techaers training experts to our school and gave guidance to our eleven trainees of “Jinniu top teacher project” .

The project team leader, Director Qin, reported the purpose, significance, work content and process of the expert’s guidance to the school leaders, and then carried out the guidance work. The experts team guided our school’s 4 micro subjects and guided 11 trainees to choose professional development courses. Finally, the members of the expert team conducted an examination of the previous studies of all the trainees. Our teachers have a strong willingness to active study and strive to enhance themselves through the platform of “Jinniu top teacher project”. As “Experts guiding, science research developing school” , Principal Ms Meihua attaches great importance to the guidance work of the Western Education Research Institute’s experts team to the school, and said that the school would certainly support the cultivation of excellent teachers.
