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作者:本站信息来源:本站点击次数:发布时间:2017-11-23 10:25:00


November is the month of fire protection. In order to strengthen students’ fire safety awareness and eliminate a hidden danger of fire, our school has hold a fire safety emergency evacuation drill today. The moral education department of our school has made a training to our teaching staffs and students separately so as to make the fire drill go on wheels. 

    11月15日,德育处从消防安全问题、应急疏散要求以及疏散路线三个方面,对生活老师进行了培训。 梅校长参与了本次培训并强调消防安全的重要性。

On November 15th, the moral education department trained the life-guide teaching staffs from three aspects including fire safety FAQs, emergency evacuation, and evacuation routes. Principal Mei took part in this training and highlighted the importance of fire safety.


On November 20th, the moral education department made a fire safety knowledge training on the topic of “fire safety, start from everyone”, and Director Zhang of the moral education department made a speech from three aspects including fire-fighting equipment, precaution of fire, and self-help common knowledge in fire disaster, and also gave an introduction of the safety indicator board, indicator light, and the using way of fire extinguisher. 



On November 21st, the fire safety evacuation drill was hold on time. The students went quietly and orderly to the playground in the evacuation route with the lead of the class teacher and life-guide teacher.

According to this evacuation drill, students have known the safety hazard around them, learned how to protect themselves from it and the simple using way of fire-fighting equipment, and gained correct fire safety awareness. 



Life is priceless, and fire is ruthless. We hope students treasure their own lives and be sunny and healthy good children.
