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作者:许多信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2010-06-23 15:55:42

  2010 Graduation Ceremony Held in PSACFLS

Translated by Li Zongming


On the morning of June 21, the PSACFLS grandly held the 2010 Primary Graduation Ceremony and the school leaders, the sixth grade teachers and all the graduating students participated in this event.


For the sixth graders, this period of time has been their most unforgettable days as they’ve shown their emotional attach-
ment to the alma mater, to their classmates and to their teachers.


On behalf of the school, Principal Ms Mi made a passionate and inspiring speech and expressed her sincere congratulations on
the complete success of the students’ primary school life.  Ms Mi also put forward her ardent hope for the students’ high school
life and told all the students present that the gate of their alma mater would be always open for them and that the graduates
were hoped to make excellent academic achievements in the future to win honours for the alma mater.


With her affectionate words, Ms Zhao, Teacher Representative, hashed over every single day she had spent with the students
and expressed her promising wishes for all the students who had been forging ahead dauntlessly, which reflected the teachers’
emotional attachment and earnest instructions for the children and their deep feelings for the students, which were deeper than
those of the students’ parents though the teachers weren’t the parents of the kids.


The speech made by the student representative especially expressed her deep gratitude for the alma mater, for the teachers and
for her classmates, “The alma mater is our pride today and she will feel proud of us tomorrow.”

A musical poem recitation: “We’ve graduated!”

A grateful heart

School leaders awarding diplomas to the graduates on the graduation ceremony

弥校长深情朗诵《沁园春 雪》
Principal Ms Mi reciting with great emotion “Snow --to the Tune of Chin Yuan Chun”,
a ci poem written by Chairman Mao Tse-tung, founder of the People's Republic of China

