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鲜花 祝福 感谢
作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2010-05-07 11:27:38

Flowers, Blessings & Gratitude

Translated by Li Zongming


On the morning of May 7, Ms Gu Xiulian, Vice Chairwoman of the National People's Congress and Director of the China Work-
ing Committee for the Caring of the Younger Generation came to the WCCYG of the Sichuan Provincial Red Cross Centre to
give guidance.  On behalf of the 11,000,000 young children of Sichuan Province, eight kids from our school presented flowers
with blessings to Ms Gu to express our gratitude for her hard work for the younger generation.

Ms Gu Xiulian having a group photo taken with some leaders at municipal and provincial levels

左起:谢世杰  吴亚丽  顾秀莲  洪元蔚  黄传虎
Ms Gu Xiulian and some veteran carders from Sichuan Province having  a group
photo taken with some of our school leaders and the kids who presented flowers
From left: Mr Xie Shijie, Ms Wu Yali, Ms Gu Xiulian, Mr Hong Yuanwei and Mr Huang Chuanhu

