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作者:教科室信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2010-02-25 08:54:31


2nd Term of Academic Year 2009-2010, PSACFLS
Suggestions on Implementation of Evening Comprehensive Practical Curriculum

Translated by Li Zongming


In order to promote the overall development of the students and to change the relative isolation of boarding schools and
the relative narrowness of the students’ field of academic vision and their living space, the school has been launching a re-
form for the evening curriculum since the beginning of Sept. 2006.  Over the past 4 years, the reform has actively been
supported by the whole school and good results have been achieved.  In order to make the evening curriculum more ef-
fective, the school will strengthen the curriculum management and will do a good job for the organization and evaluation
in terms of the case compiling and curriculum implementation, etc. 


The sections for Children’s Reading and Everyday English will be brought into the unified control of the teaching & re-
search groups for the subjects of Chinese and English.  Explanations for the implementation of the Evening Comprehen-
sive Practical Curriculum for this term are as follows:


I. Select appropriate contents on the basis of the real situations


For the Evening Comprehensive Practical Curriculum, attention should be paid to the comprehensiveness and practicality
so that the children can genuinely get involved in the curriculum to foster their spirit of innovation and to enhance their
practical abilities.  According to the experience for the past few years, we believe that selecting appropriate contents is
crucial to enhance the effectiveness of the curriculum. The contents of the activities should be geared to the real situa-
tions of the school to make the curriculum easy to organize and implement, and the students’ physical and mental devel-
opment and the individual characteristics of the teachers should be taken into consideration.


When referring to the practice scheme, all grades should make overall arrangements for the contents of the Comprehen-
sive Practical Curriculum for the term, allocate missions scientifically and make some appropriate complements and ad-
justments for the contents of the curriculum from the perspective of pursuing effectiveness and on the basis of referring
the basic contents of the curriculum and the 81 preparatory cases.

Content frame of the Evening Comprehensive Practical Curriculum


Preparatory practice case summary for the Evening Curriculum:



II. Formulate Schemes Meticulously


During the previous process of practice, our school has accumulated a lot of excellent activity schemes.  Being goal-
oriented, clearly lined, and easy to organize and well achieved, these schemes can be consulted in the resource package
of the “School-based Curriculum” from the resource center of the school and can be used for reference.


When designing the activity schemes, teachers are asked to make a clear description of the resource preparations and
the themes, targets and procedures of the activities and bring the schemes of activity designing and related sources
into the contents of lesson planning and reserve all these in the form of folders.


All grades are asked to strengthen the control of the evening curriculum, to standardize the collecting of activity schemes
and related resources and to hand in these materials to the Teaching Research Section in the form of folders before the
second Friday of this term.


III. Enhance the control of the implementation process of the Evening Curriculum


The implementation of the Evening Comprehensive Practical Curriculum has provided a broad space to enrich of the kids’ campus life, for which the teachers responsible of the implementation have made lots of efforts.  In order to strengthen the control of the implementation of the evening curriculum and make it a genuine beautiful scene for boarding schools, our
school will fully confirm the contributions made by teachers in the reform of the evening curriculum.


Mainly consisting of two aspects, i.e. the teaching preparations (including the preparations for activity schemes and re-
lated resources) and two random checks for the implementation in each semester, the evaluation for the evening curricu-
lum will be principally conducted in terms of the organization and effects of the implementation.  At the end of the semes-
ter, the school will launch specific awards according to the appraisals and inspections.


We sincerely hope that all the teachers will pay great attention to the reform of the evening curriculum.  Especially, while
taking important tasks of teaching at the same time, we should make a good job of this mission which seems to be unnec-
essary but is actually closely bound up with the development of the school and ourselves, and promote the sustainable de-
velopment of the school.


        Thank you!
