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作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2010-01-26 17:06:48

School Closing Ceremony for First Term 2009-2010 Successfully Held


Translated by Li Zongming


With the passing of time, an intense and fruitful term has ended by now.  On the afternoon of Jan. 26, 2010, a wonderful and
grand closing ceremony was held for the First to Fourth Graders on the main campus.  On the ceremony, Vice-principal Ms
Wu made a summary of all fields of endeavor for the term, and she affirmed the hard work and outstanding results of the whole
school and expressed her gratitude to the leaders at all levels and the students' parents for their loving concern and guidance,
and for their support and cooperation over the years.  Meanwhile, Ms Wu also made some rationalized suggestions on the stu-
dents' life during the winter vacation and demanded that we make sure to bear safety in mind and have a safe and happy holiday.


As we all know, the winter holiday is also a time of the Lunar New Year for the Chinese at home and abroad.  On the ceremony, the children showed us their entertainment performance rehearsed and performed by themselves to wish the whole school
good health and the very best of luck in everything as the year of the tiger is approaching.

Ms Wu making some rationalized suggestions on the students’ life during the winter vacation

The sounds of the instruments wishing the whole school a Happy New Year

Children presenting their couplet: Bid Farewell to the Old Year Happily
while Welcome the New Spring Festival Joyously.

