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集体朝会—— 新年心愿
作者:信息技术中心信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2009-12-28 15:49:20

Morning Gathering—New Year Aspirations

Translated by Li Zongming


This is the last morning gathering for the year 2009.  As the New Year is quickly approaching, let’s wish everyone a Happy New Year.  For the New Year, we’ll all have our own aspirations such as we can grow a little bit taller, or have a little more time to
stay together with our parents, or we can get rid of our bad temper… What is your wish for the New Year?   During the count-
down for the year 2009, we’ll forget all the unpleasant things.  And we’ll start our new happiness for the coming 2010.

