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作者:许多信息来源:本站原创点击次数:发布时间:2009-10-21 10:39:56


Cheers for Our Progress--Brief Summary of First Period

     Translated by Li Zongming


At the collective morning gathering for the 8th week, Ms Guo, Director of the ME Department, made a summary of the
behaviors of the students for the first half term, the purpose of which was to encourage everyone to consolidate the pre-
vious achievements, to improve the existing problems and to carry out our future work more effectively.


Ms Guo highly appreciated the behaviors of the students for the first half term, and she hoped the children could do much better in the matter of “speaking gently and walking slowly”, because a good solution to the problem of “speaking gently” is an effective way to eliminate the impulsive mentality of the students and only when the students can keep a cool mind
before they will throw themselves into their studies wholeheartedly,
while cultivating the students’ good habit of  
“walking slowly” is one of the effective measures made to remove the hidden dangers completely.


                                      Under the encouragement of Director Ms Guo, the students expressed
                                      they would do a better job for the second half of the term.
